Ribbon cutting ceremony for the improved City of Sumter entrance for Swan Lake Shot Pouch Greenway. Improvements include demolition and installation of asphalt parking lot and Trail, brick columns, signage, fencing, landscaping, and irrigation at 9 Bland Avenue, at the existing Swan Lake entrance.
Read MoreWe have been pleased to work with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources on this project. This project is still under construction. Come take a virtual tour to see the progress that has been made. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vu278o9e50anzt4ttcxf3/Love-Farm-Range-Construction-Progress-August-2024.mov?rlkey=id5de4ujf3ra90k34cv1vvrwz&e=1&st=8000d3nc&dl=0 Drone footage provided by SCDNR, Andrew Busbee
Read MoreForest Acres, SC Get excited Forest Acres and surrounding areas! A new park is coming soon. This park will be located at the corner of Forest Drive and Beltline Blvd, previously known location for Richland Fashion Mall. We appreciate all of the feedback from residence and council. This park will include walking trails, woodland themed…
Read MoreLexington, SC We are excited to welcome Lexington and surrounding communities to the Town of Lexington’s newest park! The LandPlan Group South team with Boudreaux Group worked with the Town of Lexington on this project to bring a fresh innovative new park to the community. The amenities include a splash pad, small amphitheater, playground with…
Read MoreThe LandPlan Group had the honor of working with the City of Sumter and Shaw Airforce Base for a Veterans park that memorializes the service and sacrifice of our military. A focal point to this park is the Tuskegee Monument dedicated to the Tuskegee Airmen during WWII. The project consist of a full size P-51…
Read MoreThe LandPlan Group South provided a Pedestrian Calming and Traffic Safety Corridor Master Plan and Construction Drawings for the City of Cayce. This project spans two blocks of Knox Abbott Drive beginning at the west end of the bridge that connects Cayce and Downtown Columbia, SC. Improvements include underground utilities, new sidewalks, planted medians, mast…
Read MoreThe LandPlan Group South provided design services for the renovations of Rotary Plaza. The revitalization will bring new life back to Downtown Sumter, Main Street.
Read MoreWest Columbia, South Carolina The LandPlan Group recently completed Bark West for the City of West Columbia as a new addition to the their community. This park features an obstacle course, benches, gated greenery space and a parking lot giving pet lovers an area for their pets to train, run free, make fir friends or…
Read MoreThe Landplan Group has been working with the Town of Batesburg-Leesville to make their ideas of Depot Park a reality.
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